Tuesday 1 January 2013

A Christmas Summary.

It's been one of the nicest Christmases I've had in a while. I mean, they're always nice and our parents spoil my sibs and I but this one was especially lovely. Beginning with Christmas shopping in Dublin and staying with the family in a hotel (which is so bizarre when I live in the city), then awesome food at my boyfriend's  birthday family celebrations, then Paris, then hanging with friends in Dublin, then returning home and getting way more than I deserved from the family, then everyone getting along despite two days of feeding the extended fam at our house and then lovely days of playing Mario Kart with the sibs, reading, eating and playing dress-up with my new clothes. And now it's a new year! Happiest of 2013s to you all.

The skiing snowman I made.

The Christmas tree in Trinity.

Paris lights.

Random outfit over the holidays.

The bro's Christmas jumper as we were making Baked Alaska.

Christmas socks - endlessly awesome.


Panda-jamas - A Christmas Eve tradition to get a new pair of jammies...despite now being 21, it continues.

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